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At Cannabis NB our successes always start with our team.

We learn together, grow together and are proud to be at the leading edge of an exciting, evolving industry. We thrive on innovation, continuous learning and change and we believe every role in our organization contributes directly to our accomplishments. We aren’t afraid to roll up our sleeves, we support each other, we encourage each other and of course we have a lot of fun.

If you think this sounds like a good fit, we’d love to hear from you. 

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Chez Cannabis NB, nos succès commencent toujours par notre équipe.

Nous apprenons ensemble, nous grandissons ensemble et nous sommes fiers d'être à la pointe d'une industrie passionnante et en pleine évolution. Nous nous épanouissons dans l'innovation, l'apprentissage continu et le changement et nous croyons que chaque rôle dans notre organisation contribue directement à nos réalisations. Nous n'avons pas peur de retrousser nos manches, nous nous soutenons mutuellement, nous nous encourageons et, bien sûr, nous nous amusons beaucoup.

Si vous pensez que ce poste vous convient, nous serions ravis de vous rencontrer.

See the list of positions we have available below:

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Showing results for: Saint John

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Assistant Store Manager (Team Lead) Saint John Area

Assistant Store Manager (Team Lead) - Saint John Area

Customer Experience Representative (Occasional) - Uptown Saint John (New Store Opening)

Customer Experience Representative (Occasional) - Fairville

Customer Experience Representative (Occasional) - Rothesay Ave. Saint John

Customer Experience Representative (Occasional) - Rothesay Ave. Saint John

Customer Experience Representative (Occasional) - Rothesay KV. Saint John

Customer Experience Representative (Occasional) - Rothesay KV. Saint John

Store Manager - Saint John Area

Store Manager - Saint John Area